London Borough of Harrow
Over 10% of households now own a smart speaker (Alexa, Google Assistant). These are primarily used for controlling devices, playing music, and requesting local information
Councils have found a high level use for them – recalling standard information such as bin days, events, council tax band but few have created property-based skills such as understanding why your bin wasn’t collected or letting you know if a fly tip has been removed.
This is partially due to problems connecting the device to the LLPG and confirming the address due to interpretation of UPRN.
We would use the discovery funding to
- Solve the address problem
- Create a generic framework to plug council services in which can be easily adapted by partner Councils
- Understand what services are best aligned to this technology
- Digital leadership training (for council leaders, service managers or senior executives)
- Introduction to user research
- Introduction to service design
- Introduction to digital business analysis