Prepare for the Cyber Assessment Framework with MHCLG support

We are launching a support offer, Get CAF Ready, to help councils in England to build their cyber resilience. This precedes the introduction of the Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF) for local government in 2024, ensuring councils are well prepared.

About Get CAF Ready

Get CAF Ready is a support offer available to councils that includes workshops, guidance, and one-to-one support. The content of this support offer has been designed to address some of the challenges that councils may experience during the CAF for local government assessment process, such as identifying critical systems and producing architecture diagrams, which can be difficult to do for the first time.

The benefits

These activities will not only support the completion of the CAF but also enhance your council’s cyber security. Understanding your critical systems and technical architecture is crucial for effective cyber security risk management. Get CAF Ready will provide you with expert support and guidance to do this.

Additionally, each council that completes the required work to Get CAF Ready will receive a £15,000 grant.

The requirements

Utilising NCSC guidance, resources, and best practices, we will assist you in undertaking the tasks to the required standard. At the end of the process, we will ask you to submit:

  • a CAF scoping document identifying three critical systems 
  • up to three (and a minimum of one) network or critical system architecture maps

These will be assessed by our team to ensure they meet the required standard. Once approved, you will be CAF Ready and eligible for the £15,000 grant. 

Please note that participating in Get CAF Ready does not obligate you to complete the CAF and the CAF itself is not currently compulsory for the sector. Visit our CAF for local government webpage to learn more. 

Sign up to Get CAF Ready

Please use the form below to sign up to Get CAF Ready. To do this you will need to provide a primary contact name, their job title and email address, your council name, and a secondary contact email. Please email [email protected] if you have any issues or questions. 

After signing up, you will be contacted within a month to begin your onboarding process and be invited to an information session where you’ll be able to hear an overview of what is required and how we will support you to do this. This includes an opportunity to ask any further questions you may have.

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