Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council
For many council services, residents are repeatedly asked to verify their identity. This results in unnecessary duplication and service delays, not only for the customer but also for the staff carrying out the checks. We would like to carry out a Discovery project which examines how we can use and Idp for our MyCalderdale customer account to manage identity assurance. We would like to investigate:
- Which customer services would benefit from the use of an IdP;
- How the use of an IdP could be integrated within our existing systems;
- Would customers feel that they would benefit from the use of an IdP;
- What concerns customers have around the use of an IdP and how these could be addressed;
- What are the potential barriers to access and how these can be addressed;
- The potential to improve the customer experience through the use of and IdP;
- The potential impact and savings for Customer Services.
We would expect to engage with:
- At least one other Local Authority
- Introduction to user research
- Introduction to service design
- Introduction to delivery management
- Introduction to product management
- Introduction to digital business analysis