London Borough of Bexley

Outcome of Expression of Interest: Not shortlisted

In a project with Agile Applications Ltd, Ealing Council and Sevenoaks District Council we propose developing digital transformation tools enabling authorities to provide a seamless Trade Waste service so that businesses can sign up for and manage their commercial waste contract easily.

This solution will comprise two apps:

  • App / online solution


  • Businesses can easily identify/select services available, automatically calculate the cost of the contract, and sign up quickly
  • On sign up, the business will receive the contract and waste transfer notice automatically
  • Online account management will be easily accessed via an app and online solution including the ability to request services, view contracts, view waste transfer notes and make payments
  • Pro-active notifications – for example, businesses will receive notifications of invoices due, contracts due to expire, or ad-hoc services due etc.
  • Automated contract renewals will be fully integrated with the app – notifications and new contracts are sent to the app rather than relying on a paper-based system
  • Productivity app for waste officers


This will be linked to GIS and use workflow to allow trade waste officers to proactively sell and compete with the private sector with features including:

  • Automated sales target list
  • GIS / Mapping based sales lists
  • Workflow based follow up visits

Discovery evidence

The London Borough of Bexley have nearly completed a business case regarding the potential of trade waste bringing more income into the authority. The council has looked at its current processes and what improvements could be made internally which would create efficiency savings and increase the customer’s experience digitally. It has also investigated current customers and potential customers and looked at our USP’s (Unique Selling Points).

The London Borough of Bexley now has a greater understanding of the key users of our services and which ones would allow us to have greater margins via the potential increase in tonnage. This will enable us to target the ideal customers and better compete with the private sector allowing us to more effectively penetrate the market place.

The London Borough of Bexley currently has 27% of the market place and believe from our mapping exercise that there is a potential market to be grown over the next 2 years. This project would be translatable as there are many more local authorities that could also increase their income from trade waste if they could digitally move forward to compete with the private sector.

  • Introduction to service design
  • Introduction to delivery management
  • Introduction to product management
  • Introduction to digital business analysis