North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC)
As a council we need a single cheaper, consistent approach and interface to taking payments across all channels and managing income. How might we ensure that Gov.Pay is a viable alternative to established council e-payment providers. was conceived as a pan government e-payment solution.
Some high volume central government services already use the product; and the current and planned roadmap features offer a solid potential council e-payment platform.
Councils have products to collect income which have revenue and transaction costs. It is attractive to aggregate transaction volumes reducing costs and produce savings across government.
Local authority adoption has been steady, and concerns are noted at events about whether council’s could adopt as their sole e-payment solution.
We want to work with GDS Gov.Pay team and willing councils to:
- understand what changes might be needed to the Gov.Pay product
- understand what changes to existing council systems or processes around reconciliation of income
- understand how we might handle unconventional payment models eg. council tax, ad-hoc bills, invoices and sundry debts by instalments
Most importantly however to understand the cost efficiencies that could be achieved by adopting Gov.Pay across government as our primary income collection facility with the economies of scale.
- Digital and agile awareness
- Introduction to service design
- Introduction to product management
- Agile for teams