North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC)

Outcome of Expression of Interest: Invited to apply

Currently there is no common platform across government enabling collaboration, information sharing and performance management that drives operational and strategic decision making. NELC has adopted an Outcome Based Accountability approach and is looking to collaborate with like-minded councils where the place partnership is important.
We want to scale our prototype to an alpha product which can be shared across councils and specifically we want to:
• identify example place level challenges we wish to address i.e. numbers of looked after children / domestic violence
• to share data to record progress against shared outcomes,
• collaboratively generate strategies and ideas for improvement,
• enable visibility of how partners contribute to how much, how well and is anyone better off i.e. the police cannot fix the issue of domestic violence but working together the chance of success for the individual is greater.
Partners and the council hold a wealth of data and information which currently is held in different formats and in different systems and is not easily shared. Partnerships such as Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) need to collect data and information from various partners and produce quarterly progress reports. This is challenging and very manual with great potential for errors and inaccuracies.

Discovery evidence

We have conducted a 6 week discovery around the LSCB, the show and tells highlighting what we learned and the prototype we are testing:
• Difficult for senior managers to view a wide range of cross agency performance information
• Silos of information not stored in centralised place
• Legacy systems used – difficult to extract data or to integrate to other systems
• Data manually entered multiple times causing duplication, errors and sometimes errors in the extraction and manipulation
• Missing or poor quality data doesn’t enable evidence based decision making
• Performance information of a mixed quality and format, difficult to sense check and compare against other measures and areas of performance
• Financial challenges necessitate better partnership working towards place based outcomes
• Partners have lots of good data and information we could use but difficult to share
• We need to provide information in suitable formats and good quality, enabling teams and partnerships to manage performance and make decisions
• Partners not actively involved in current performance process. They are unable to collaborate in the writing of reports and version control creates significant challenge for timeliness
• Data not easily shared internally or externally
All contributing to a lack of business intelligence informing decision making


  • Digital and agile awareness
  • Introduction to user research
  • Introduction to service design
  • Introduction to digital business analysis

Other training requests

It is important that all collaborators have a common language and approach. We have adopted agile delivery principles and have adapted to meet the needs of our business in doing so. This for us may be different from the purist view and learning around agile that GDS adopt. However, it is recognised that our practice may differ and if we do not think about agile practice together we all risk reverting to what we know. At NELC, we have a view of our gaps in knowledge and skills and is reflected in the training courses selected. We'd also like to develop better skills for making things open source.