Sheffield City Council
Sheffield City Council has identified the need for up to 11,000 new homes over the next 5 years (link to New Homes Delivery Plan). Working with our neighbouring authority, Rotherham, the project will focus on supporting housing development along the Sheffield/Rotherham corridor, where there is a strong daily migration of commuting between the two areas.
In order to increase and accelerate the current level of housing delivery, we want to understand:
- what information housing developers require from us, and
- how best to provide it through new and/or improved digital services?
We will:
- Test the requirement for information on land availability and local trends in housing demand, policy and Council objectives.
- Investigate how to overcome information asymmetry for SME’s.
- Trial the Future Cities beta City Data Sharing Toolkit to share commuting data.
The discovery project will develop links with, and be applicable to, other authorities that have a shared housing/commuting market.
The project will build on the user research from a current Planning Innovation project led by our Digital Services team on planning applications, covering a later stage in the housing delivery process and supporting the MHCLG Digital Land agenda.
- Digital and agile awareness
- Introduction to user research
- Introduction to service design
- Introduction to digital business analysis