Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council

Outcome of Expression of Interest: Not shortlisted

We want to on-board wider partners as part of multi agency working, including Primary and Secondary Schools to directly access and input Early Help Referrals directly into the system. We want to provide a single system view for Children’s records to key agencies which will help to inform them to provide safer, more informed services wrapped around the need of a child.


We would like to deliver a supported and structured training path to over 200 schools and wider partners on the system.    The model will concentrate on provision of introduction skills, specific initial training on the system and process with the schools and follow up onsite support days, providing skills workshops and user group management for the schools to embrace the benefits of the new system.


This project will deliver

    • Single View of a child’s record across multiple systems to external partners
    • Secure, Accurate, real time access to a child’s record
    • Improved information sharing
    • Support Ofsted Social Care
    • User confidence & Supported deployment
    • Reduced admin time
    • Less duplicated data entry

Discovery evidence

SingleView was partially funded by a LGA Bid, a closure report is being finalised (so presently unable to share). Indicative findings demonstrates that SingleView offers cost avoidance by reducing admin tasks/calls which are currently process partner applications/enquiries as well as giving time back to the partners to allow them to focus on the Child and other core duties which they need to do.


We ran an early adopter with 28 local authority schools from March – July and found that schools were very keen to embrace the solution. They loved the direct access, the simplicity of the solution, we have also showcased the solution to partner GP’s, CAMHS and Youth Offending Services, who are very keen to also take up the system.

It also highlighted we need to look at the onboarding approach for new users, we need it iterate the current approach and improve this to ensure data quality is maintained as well as expanding the available data in the system by further integration.

  • Introduction to user research
  • Introduction to product management
  • Introduction to digital business analysis
  • Agile for teams