Wokingham Borough Council
Many authorities have a desire to move more services to the front door, however this leads to 20+ systems having to be understood by a traditional contact centre.
The utopia position of creating one local government platform is unrealistic at this point, instead it is how we integrate and standardise the application set to make it as easy as possible to move services away from costly specialists.
Our idea is to identify those line of business systems that are non negoitable (currently) within a Local Authority environment such as Planning, Revs & Bens, Social Care and use technology to integrate these products to a common platform – such as D365.
This allows the common steps within the line of business systems to push information to D365, allowing customer service staff to be guided through the process via D365 workflow.
This gives a simplified approach to service delivery, allows the Specialists to continue to use the LOB systems whilst ensuring our CRM system has that single view of the customer – and it unlocks the complicated and complex to allow more cusotmer contact to be managed at first point.
We would need a BA, Senior D365 developer and an integration resource to achieve this.
- Agile for teams