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Projects submitted
Browse project applications from Rounds 1 to 3 of the Local Digital Fund. Since Round 4, we no longer publish all applications on our website. However, you can find applications for successful projects on their individual project pages.
Building on some of the successes of our previous Alpha phase project we plan to further develop our prototype Digital Data Protection Impact Assessment tool using the evidence base provided by conducting more in depth user research to ensure we are able to capture and articulate the benefits we know…
Creating a digital planning maturity audit across the entire planning process from policy, monitoring and strategy to development management and decision making; to streamline and automate the end to end process and deliver an open, transparent and efficient data led service
Like many other authorities Camden’s Planning Service is an end to end service that covers all aspects of planning from plan making (strategic planning, local plans, planning guidance and supporting neighbourhood planning); place shaping (master planning and urban design); decision taking; monitoring; planning for infrastructure (including S106 agreements and CIL);…
Creating a high-level design for partial online birth registration; to provide greater customer convenience and improve overall efficiency.
Existing civil registration processes require citizens to attend lengthy (30-40 minute) appointments with a registrar, to provide information for a birth or death to be registered. As with death registration, birth registration includes a significant amount of manual data entry and does not facilitate flexible, convenient or efficient service options…
Creating design patterns for pest control services
The user experience for accessing pest control services online is inconsistent across local authorities, and inefficient for the user, pest control practitioners and local authority staff. Councils are duplicating effort to design these workflows and interfaces. Croydon, working with Southwark, propose to develop and publish a set of design patterns for…
Data-Led Digital Discharge - Support, Enable, Empower, to Prevent Re-entry (encourage self caring rather than Council reliant services)
This solution has been chosen from our discovery outcomes due to the disparity digital / IoT deployments across Newham, Havering, Brent & LBBD already with digital technologies across: Older Adult Extra Care Schemes Learning Disability Schemes Independent Living Post Hospital Discharge Adult & LD Living Independently in the community It…
Developing a playbook, made up of a self-assessment tool and guides for FOI service delivery, so that FOI managers and practitioners can identify approaches for improvement.
One of the key unmet needs across local authorities discovered in the alpha project was the ‘10,000ft problem’ - a way to give FOI teams a means of assessing their service and identifying approaches for improvement. While the case management technology in place can have a dramatic effect on performance,…
Developing Family Context: a solution that puts information on family context into the hands of social workers so that they can better access and support children and their family
Our proposed beta solution: The Family Context tool will provide social workers in Children’s Social Care with information on relevant family members and their interactions with key services (police, adult social care, housing and schools). This will enable Social Workers to make more informed assessments of safeguarding risk and support…
Development Data Automation – Addressing the shortage of Delivery Data
There is an increasing need for reliable data on proposed and approved development in order to measure progress toward housing delivery and other Government priorities. Obtaining even limited data on consented development is costly and labour intensive. Data is often out of date before it can be used for policy development…
Digital data protection impact assessment (DPIA) tool
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) are a requirement of data protection legislation but are seen as an intensive and onerous process. We know a range of templates are currently used resulting in a complicated and fragmented approach particularly across partnerships. Challenges include that process are reliant on a small number of specialist staff…
Digital identification and support of vulnerable citizens pre-crisis.
TellJO is a digital self-assessment sent out by a local authority to its customers, enabling the local authority to proactively identify and engage with their vulnerable citizens at pre-crisis. The discovery phase of the TellJO project was funded by TellJO as a pilot to test the following hypotheses: 1.Do people…
Digitisation of Bereavement Services
The processes within B&NES Bereavement Services for burials, cremations and memorialisations are inefficient and outdated meaning the service is unable to maximise income generating opportunities. A discovery project would uncover ways to build capacity and create efficiencies to both improve the customer experience and support the growth of the service.…
Digitising viability assessments to maximise affordable housing delivery
We are seeking to speed up the viability assessment process and reduce administration, while also increasing the provision of affordable homes. Main objectives for the alpha phase are to: Build prototypes of data-driven tools that enhance the process Test these prototypes with users and stakeholders Demonstrate the technical feasibility of…
Discovery into the use of 3D data to join up the planning system with build standards and post occupancy services
Information gathered through the planning system operates as the gateway to development for residents, objectors and builders as well as a go to place for post occupancy information. The quality and amount of the information currently prepared is often found lacking. Higher quality / more detailed information is prepared than…
Discovery into understanding citizen requirements to implement a Digital Privacy Policy
Digital ethics and privacy are growing concerns for individuals, organisations and governments. Consumers are increasingly aware their personal information is valuable and are demanding control. Organisations recognise the increasing risk of securing and managing personal data, and governments are implementing strict legislation to ensure they do. Consequently Digital ethics and…
Discovery to explore the benefits of a common API platform
As signatories to the Local Digital Declaration we want to break our dependence on inflexible and expensive technology that doesn’t join up. This means using modular building blocks for IT, and open standards to give a common structure to the data we create. But we can’t achieve this by switching…
Discovery to help understand how we can modernise online council accounts
The problem of low account take-up exists in many authorities; particularly with low take-up across high volume transactional services such as Benefits; Council Tax; Rent etc. Some of the perceived problems, we will look to understand, include; Poorly designed websites; mobile first principles not observed across the whole site;…
Emergency Planning Digital Process Design
As per the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 local authorities are a category 1 responders and have a key role in supporting emergency services and are equally responsible for assessing the risk, plan and exercise for emergencies, ensuring business continuity and warning and informing the public during an emergency. Local authorities…
Emergency Planning from manual to digital
The Local Authority works in partnership with other organisations to improve the resilience of Kent and to ensure a coordinated response to emergencies. Emergency planning should aim to prevent emergencies occurring, or reduce the effect of an emergency. Our process is heavily reliant on manual intervention to develop, complete and…
Engaging and communicating with children in social care
Our aim is to empower children and young people known to the local authority and enable them to take better control of their lives. Providing the appropriate channel for young people to voice their concerns and request help or guidance in a way that is comfortable for them would allow…
Establishing a service design pattern for user feedback
Problem Statement At Newcastle City Council we have adopted an agile approach to developing digital services for our customers. We don’t, however, have a consistent process to receive, analyse and act upon our users using Beta public services. This view is shared with collaborative partners, North of Tyne group. Having…