Learning resources for digital teams

Our aim is to support local authorities to become better equipped with the skills, knowledge and tools they need to design and deliver modern digital public services.

On this page you will find a set of learning resources to introduce new approaches to designing products and services.

The resources can help you to:

  • learn about new ways of working
  • communicate the benefits of Agile and user-centred approaches, using practical examples
  • train new team members

How to use the learning resources

Each resource is available in Microsoft PowerPoint to allow you to:

  • download and refer back to them when needed
  • present the slides to your colleagues, for example during a team meeting or ‘lunch and learn’ session
  • provide document versions for your colleagues to print out and write notes on

You can also edit the slides for your own internal training, for example by adding your own case studies and examples.

Download the learning resources

If you need any help with accessing or using any of the resources, email [email protected].

PowerPoint presentation

Agile ways of working overview

Discover the basics of Agile, the main methodologies and practical examples of using an agile approach.

Download Agile ways of working overview
PowerPoint presentation

User research overview

Learn about the benefits of a user-centred approach, user research methods and how to start using user research techniques.

Download User research overview
PowerPoint presentation

Service design overview

Understand how to apply service design thinking in your work or work with service designers more effectively.​​​

Download Service design overview
PowerPoint presentation

Content design overview

Find out how content design can help you to produce clearer, more accessible content based on user needs.

Download Content design overview