Better case management of FOI and SAR requests
This Alpha aimed to understand the user journey for staff who deal with FOI requests and SARs to prototype approaches to the unmet user needs they have discovered, and understand […]

UK Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)
Laying the foundations for better local public services
This Alpha aimed to understand the user journey for staff who deal with FOI requests and SARs to prototype approaches to the unmet user needs they have discovered, and understand […]
This project aimed to prove the concept of automating the flow of planning application data: from applicant through the Local Planning Authority, to the regional authority, and out to the […]
This discovery hoped to understand what a ‘directory as a service’ could and should look like in 2019, using innovative approaches to data contribution, curation and consumption. Every local authority, […]
This discovery has explored the benefits of securely sharing data to support various services such as planning provision, safeguarding and fraud prevention. The Digital Economy Act 2017 enables greater powers […]
This discovery focused on developing a standardised reporting approach for statutory returns, developing a deep understanding of the users’ needs from this process. Every day, Children’s Services Departments (CSDs) make […]
This discovery aimed to understand how a cross-authority solution, potentially providing back-end case management, transactional functions and a database, could unlock wider transformation of the planning system. Planning services are […]
The alpha work set out to test an implementation of an “Open Community” data standard, expressed in machine readable terms and used for interchange of data by multiple organisations fulfilling […]
Following on from a successful discovery, this collaborative alpha project explores potential solutions for a back office planning system (BOPS). The project is delivered in Agile, using a user-centred approach […]
Following on from a successful discovery, this collaborative alpha project explores potential solutions for a common service pattern for the housing repairs service. The project is delivered in Agile, using […]
This discovery explored user research in local government and whether its results can be used by other councils. User research is an important piece of work to inform decision making […]
Every council in the country is required to process Revenue and Benefits data, either in-house or using an outsourced model. This discovery explores if there’s a need to build a […]
Before this discovery began, Brighton and Croydon Councils had already successfully managed to share code to help them develop their Drupal-based websites. They joined up with Bracknell Forest and Oxford […]
Suffolk County Council is leading an alpha project with Cambridgeshire County Council and Norfolk County Council, exploring the use of predictive modelling to understand future demand for children’s social care, […]
This discovery aimed to define a common service pattern for housing repairs and understand barriers to adoption of digital repairs services. The project also explored which service elements are best […]
This alpha project, led by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is looking at improving data and evidence on children in care. This project is a continuation of the discovery […]
The team is conducting a beta exploring how to let frontline workers know which services are engaged with the child’s family, in a way which works across councils. This information […]
Early Help (EH) services support families with issues including domestic violence, substance misuse, mental health problems, poverty, family issues and others. EH services act before problems escalate and builds good […]
This discovery has explored the feasibility of adopting or developing a common, open source platform for local government to use to develop chatbot/AI solutions. Local authorities face a variety of […]
Every year, councils receive thousands of planning submissions. Application validation and invalid applications represent a common problem for all of them. The alpha project aims to come up with a […]
Following on from the ‘GOV.UK Pay as a viable alternative e-payment provider’ project, this discovery explores income management and e-payment system landscape in local government. The aim of this project […]