Leicester City Council

Councils across the UK hold an incredible wealth of data but have been slow to mirror the private sector in optimising this data as a strategic and operational tool to […]

London Borough of Southwark

Every local authority is tasked with hundreds of functions, and through individual transformation programmes many are redesigning them to provide better, cheaper services. There are hundreds of councils across England […]

Government Digital Service (GDS)

Across local government generally there’s a lack of skills in digital commissioning; recent engagements have evidenced gaps in understanding / knowledge on: how to most effectively use commercial agreements procurement […]

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council

Local Government organisations use a broad range of website platforms to provide information and online services to local citizens and businesses.  Many of these platforms are limited by proprietary formats, […]

Oxford City Council

There are problems for local authorities looking to adopt chatbot and AI solutions; There is no shared understanding of the technology and its advantages/disadvantages as a solution to key issues.  […]

Suffolk County Council

Suffolk County Council and our partners need to safeguard front line services by ensuring that we execute back office work in the most effective and efficient way possible.   We want […]